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Friday, 28 June 2013
Saturday, 22 June 2013
Musical Instrument for Sale
Akai MPC2000XL for sale in Jamaica. Good Condition works perfectly. Visit here to buy http://www.newnusedlink.com/musical-instruments.php#sthash.l6WxJi1I.dpbs
Wednesday, 19 June 2013
Can the Law Protect celebrities against Paparazzi
Paparazzi are photographers who take pictures of athletes, celebrities, politicians, and other prominent people usually while they are going about normal life routines and naturally to make money by selling pictures. Despite the fact that i love seeing pictures and hearing gossip about celebrities its quite disgusting to see paparazzi disrupting their normal lives.
Can the Law Protect celebrities?The only solution that will prevent the paparazzi from invading the privacy of celebrities, stalking celebrities and distorting the image of celebrities is to enforce a law worldwide that prevents the paparazzi from doing these things. According to a journal article written by Keith D. Willis titled, “Paparazzi, Tabloids, and the New Hollywood Press: Can Celebrities Claim a Defensible Publicity Right in Order to Prevent the Media from Following Their Every Move,” a law may not protect a celebrity from the paparazzi. “A law was passed in 1997 and amended in 2006 that allows celebrities to recover punitive and treble damages against trespassers, requires offenders to disgorge all funds earned from such illegal endeavors and imposes greater liability for assaults committed with the intent to obtain a photograph.” According to Keith D. Willis the paparazzi can find a way around this law. "There is no law that states that the paparazzi are not allowed to take pictures of celebrities when they are with their families on the streets, at parks or in any other public place. In other words, there is no such thing as privacy for a celebrity. The paparazzi will try to find ways around the law so that they will make the $1 million dollars a year or $6,000 to $100,000 for a photo of an A-list Star. A law should be strengthened to prevent the paparazzi from invading the privacy of celebrities, stalking celebrities and distorting the images of celebrities. As a reader of magazines and a viewer of television networks that display the work of the paparazzi, i think a law for paparazzi invading the privacy of celebrities should be put in place and also for stalking them. If law makers took into consideration the numerous occasions where celebrities had their privacy invaded by the paparazzi, were stalked by the paparazzi and had their images distorted by the paparazzi they will understand that a law should be implemented to protect celebrities from the abuse of the paparazzi. Just put yourself in a famous person shoes, would you like to be stalked??????
Tuesday, 18 June 2013
Do we need the jury system?
A jury trial is a legal proceeding in which a jury either makes a decision or makes findings of fact which are then applied by a judge. It is distinguished from a bench trial, in which a judge or panel of judges make all decisions.
There are procedures for determining whether a case should come to court, similar to Grand Jury system and Courts of Appeals, but these too are presided over by a judge, and no juries are involved. There are many obvious problems with the entire jury system. First and foremost, many trials are long and complicated, based on fine interpretations of jurisprudence far beyond the reach of jurors. The principle of the jury system is to assemble a panel of an accused’s ‘peers’ and not experts. But while this principle is laudable, would we rather have our case heard by a magistrate trained in the law, educated to render impartial judgment, and skilled in maintaining a civil and professional order in the courtroom; or by a ragtag collection of out-of-work retirees or civil servants? All intellectual commitments to democracy by the people stops at the doors of the courthouse. Next, many jury trials last far more than the ‘one day, one trial; and knowing that jury duty may last a long, long time, anyone who is agile enough to get around the rules and regulations, will do so. Small businessmen, contractors, or anyone self-employed risks losing significant income and worse, lose clients who getting tired of waiting. Even salaried professionals who do not lose income, cede ground within the company to others who take over their accounts, and find themselves surprisingly forgotten by even the most faithful clients who wanted their affairs settled.
Anyone who lives in a major, crime-ridden jurisdiction can count on getting a jury summons like clockwork every two years. There are so many crimes out there, and such a small pool from which to select jurors (so many residents are disqualified because of prison, parole, or criminal record), that such frequency is necessary to keep up with the demand.
Many cases come to court when they never should have, thus burdening the docket and the workload for everyone. It is not enough that courts must deal with cases of murder, rape, aggravated assault, and armed robbery, they have to hear the most ludicrous and comical ones as well. I have walked by a courtroom some years ago where the trial was being held, I saw jurors nodding off, filing their nails, or simply looking at the ceiling. They had been dragooned into sitting in a trial the proceedings of which they did not understand and which had little or no bearing on their lives.
Jury duties differs in many countries based on their governing laws. In countries where jury trials are common, juries are often seen as an important check against state power. Other common assertions about the benefits of trial by jury is that it provides a means of interjecting community norms and values into judicial proceedings and that it legitimizes the law by providing opportunities for citizens to validate criminal statutes in their application to specific trials.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
10 of the most dangerous animals in the world
People often judge animals fierceness based on size or looks but there is more to determining the most dangerous animals on the planet distinguishing between furry cuteness and pure destruction. Many of the animals kingdom’s cutest animals
also happen to be its most prolific killers, see the list below.
Komodo Dragon
Very much like Polar Bears, Komodo Dragons are not picky eaters. They will eat anything from birds to water buffalos to humans and they have even been known to dig up bodies from shallow graves. They are prodigious hunters and will wait stealthily until their prey approaches after which they will charge forward, rip out its throat, and retreat while it bleeds out.
Tse Tse Fly
This large blood sucking fly is the primary carrier of African Sleeping Sickness and is therefore indirectly responsible for killing up to a quarter of a million people every year.
When most animals are wounded they run away and hide. Not leopards. When these dangerous creatures are wounded they become even more dangerous. Not only that, but they’re strong. Anyone who has watched the Discovery Channel knows that they like to hide their prey out of reach. Translation: they drag dead antelopes up trees.
Carpet Viper
Responsible for the majority of snake related deaths in the world, this viper uses a hemotoxin similar to that of the boomslang. Unfortunately most of the bites occur in areas that lack modern medical facilities so the victims slowly bleed to death over the course of several weeks.
Brazilian Wandering Spider
Meet the most venomous spider in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. What makes this critter so dangerous though is also how it got its name – a tendency to wander. They are often found hiding in houses and cars of densely populated areas, especially during daytime. Not a good combination.
Blue Ringed Octopus
About the size of a golf ball, don’t let its small stature fool you, it holds enough venom to kill 26 full grown adults and as you may have guessed, there is no antidote. Assuming that your friend ever gets bitten you had better know CPR because you can be sure that within minutes they will be completely paralyzed and unable to breathe. Mother nature, however, shows no mercy and they will maintain their consciousness for the next few hours until the venom is neutralized by their body. This is of course assuming that you, or someone at the hospital, continues artificial respiration.
Although they are mostly herbivorous, they are also highly aggressive and are widely regarded as one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. They have been known to attack humans without provocation even to the point of destroying entire vehicles.
Saltwater Crocodile
Sitting at the top of its food chain the Saltwater Crocodile has been known to eat everything from water buffalo to sharks. In order to kill its food it make use of a technique called the “death roll” where it relentlessly flips its prey over and over in the water until it drowns and then comes apart.
African Elephant
The world’s largest land animal, elephants can be fiercely aggressive and have been known to trample even a rhinoceros or two to death. They seemingly have the capacity to display bouts of rage and have even engaged in activities that have been interpreted as vindictive, razing entire villages in the process.
Moving from one of the largest animals in the world we now come to one of the smallest. As small as it is though, it is also the deadliest. It has been estimated that mosquitos transmit diseases to almost 700 million people annually resulting in 2 to 3 million deaths every year.
Monday, 10 June 2013
What good are Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are a family of small, midge-like flies. Although a few species are harmless most are a nuisance because they consume blood from living vertebrates, including humans. The females of many species of mosquitoes are blood-eating pests. In feeding on blood, some of them transmit extremely harmful human and livestock diseases, such as malaria and yellow fever. If insects can be credited with evil intent, mosquitoes seem determined to wipe the human race out. As carriers of deadly diseases, mosquitoes are some of the deadliest insect on Earth. Each year, millions of people die from malaria, dengue fever, and yellow fever after being bitten by a disease-carrying mosquito. Mosquitoes also carry diseases that pose serious threats to livestock and pets. With all these strikes against them, it's hard to imagine that mosquitoes fulfill any useful purpose. We forget that mosquitoes populated this planet long before man; the oldest mosquito fossils date back some 200 million years, to the Cretaceous period. Clearly, mosquitoes fill an important ecological niche. So what good are mosquitoes? Mosquito larvae are aquatic insects, and as such, play an important role in the aquatic food chain, mosquito larvae are filter feeders that strain tiny organic particles such as unicellular algae from the water and convert them to the tissues of their own bodies, which are, in turn, eaten by fish. Mosquito larvae are, in essence, nutrient-packed snacks for fish and other aquatic animals.
Their role on the bottom of the food chain doesn't end at the larval stage, of course. As adults, mosquitoes serve as equally nutritious meals for birds, bats, and spiders. As much as we loathe them, mosquitoes represent a considerable biomass of food for wildlife on the lower rungs of the food chain. Their extinction, were it even achievable, would have an enormous adverse affect on the entire ecosystem.# Realest Talk
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Work For a Company? Or Work For Yourself?
Its very hard to live a lavish lifestyle from just working for a ordinary company especially in a developing country. Most people in developing countries migrate overseas where the dollar is high and lets face it.....everyone deserve to have a shot at being a millionaire and also most of us at one point or another have thought about whether it is better to work for a company or to start your own business and work for yourself. The first thing you need to consider when you think about going into business for yourself is whether it makes sense for you to do. Does giving up what you are doing now make sense for you? Do you have the qualifications? Will it be worth it to you? This may be too radical a change for you to consider now. On the other hand, if you aren't doing anything now anyway, now may be the perfect time to take that step.
The Pros
Being your own boss is terrific for some and terrible for others. Here are a few of the positive aspects of being in business for yourself:
Builds Self-Esteem - If you succeed, you did it because of your decisions and your efforts.
Choice - Want a raise? No problem. Don't want to work this Friday? No problem - take the day off!
Commute - Commute? What commute? You can choose to work from home. (This is especially easy to do if you're a web-based company.)
Control - You decide which jobs you will pursue and take... no one will assign you tasks, deadlines, etc.
Flex Hours - You set your own hours.
Flexibility - Exercise greater childcare options. Work in your underwear. Set up your office in your backyard
Freedom - You're the boss - what do you want to do today?
Limitless income opportunity - Creativity and hard work can reap large rewards.
No Incompetent Boss - That is, unless, you're incompetent.
Quit a job you hate. - Boss driving you crazy? Tell him to take this job and shove it... you ain't working here no more.
Retire When You Want - No golden watch unless you want one.
Satisfaction - It is a deeply satisfying feeling to hold the reins to your own enterprise.
Tax Advantages - Check with your financial advisor to learn what you need to know up to take advantage of every legitimate deduction.
Technology - Today's software can help you do more, do it quicker, and do it better so you can deliver more, deliver it faster, and deliver it better.
The Cons
If working for yourself had no down side, everyone would be doing it. Here are some of the negatives related to working self-employed:
Long Hours - You traded your boss for dozens or even hundreds of bosses.... your customers.
No Regular Salary - Could be feast or famine. But much of this will depend on you.
No Paid Sick Leave - You'll have to spring for your own insurance too.
No Paid Vacations - Take off for as long as you like. Go anywhere you want. Do anything you like. As long as you can afford it.
Paperwork - Not everyone likes paperwork, but as the owner of a small business, the responsibility for getting it done rests with you.
Responsibility - You'll be held responsible for every failure or shortcoming in your business. Customer complaints almost always end up on your desk.
Uncertainty - Successful entrepreneurs are always focused on keeping the money coming in. Fortunately, this is more a matter of smart thinking and hard work than it is a matter of luck.
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Believe in yourself
This is one of my favorite quotes “When you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt.” by Honore de Balzac who was a French novelist and playwright. You know deep within yourself that you shouldn’t make self-doubt bother you, but it’s a sneaky thing. Sometimes, you just can’t contain it and it slips past your barriers and self-doubt is greedy. When it’s loose, it devours your confidence, strips logic and reason from your mind, and steals happiness from your heart. In return, it leaves you with only fear and insecurity.
These are some steps that can help
- Set goals. When you set goals, you have control.
- Recognize when you achieve your goals, so that you will build your confidence.
- Consider reasons you fail. Everyone fails to achieve some goal, but if you learn from the failure, you will be more likely to succeed in the future.
- Use realistic expectations to judge your success. You can judge your success by looking at the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This perspective helps you gauge what remains to be done.
- Listen to critics, but never let them convince you that you are less than you are. Some critics will tear you down to make themselves look bigger and better, while others will offer critical advice to help you make changes to improve yourself.
- Give your time and energy to others. When you do this, you will get positive feed back and respect from others. These are building blocks for self respect...which is essential to believing in yourself.
- Don't give up on your dreams, goals or aspirations for you never know how right they truly are until you put them into action.
- Believe in yourself and you will do your best. Believing in yourself is the key to success in life.
Monday, 3 June 2013
Cancer in teens

Cancer is very rare in teens but some types are likely to occur in teens. Testicular cancer, for example, tends to affect younger guys rather than older men.The types of cancers teens get have one thing in common: cells growing in an uncontrolled way. Cells are the basic components or "building blocks" of the human body. Cancer occurs when cells develop abnormally and grow in an uncontrolled way. Below i have listed three of the most common ones.
Osteosarcoma is the most common type of bone cancer. In teens, it can sometimes appear during their growth spurts and tends to show up in people who are taller than average. In most cases, there is no known cause for osteosarcoma.The most common symptoms of osteosarcoma are pain and swelling in an arm or leg that is sometimes accompanied by a lump. Some people have more pain at night or when they exercise. Osteosarcoma is most often found in the bones around the knee but can occur in other bones as well. In some cases, a tumor can spread or metastasize (when cells from a tumor break away from the original cancer site and travel to a different tissue or organ) to the lungs and other bones.Treatment for osteosarcoma usually involves chemotherapy (medication that kills cancer cells) as well as surgery to remove the tumor. A doctor may perform limb-salvage surgery, where the bone that has cancer is removed and the limb (usually an arm or leg) is saved from amputation by filling the gap with a bone graft or special metal rod. In other cases, a doctor may need to amputate part or all of the limb to fight the cancer.
Most people develop side effects, such as hair loss, bleeding, infections, and heart or skin problems, from medicines used in chemotherapy treatment for osteosarcoma. Chemotherapy may also increase the person's risk of developing other cancers in the future. The good news is that most teens with osteosarcoma do recover.
Ewing's Sarcoma
This is similar to osteosarcoma in that it also affects teens and young adults and is usually located in the leg or pelvis. Most teens with Ewing's sarcoma receive chemotherapy as well as surgery. Some patients will also need radiation in addition to or instead of surgery to make sure that remaining cancer cells have been destroyed. Ewing's sarcoma generally responds well to chemotherapy and radiation.Leukemia
Leukemia is one of the most common childhood cancers. It occurs when large numbers of abnormal white blood cells called leukemic blasts fill the bone marrow and sometimes enter the bloodstream.Because these abnormal blood cells are defective, they don't help protect the body against infection the way normal white blood cells do. And because they grow uncontrollably, they take over the bone marrow and interfere with the body's production of other important types of cells in the bloodstream, like red blood cells (which carry oxygen) and platelets (which help blood to clot).
Leukemia causes problems like bleeding, anemia (low numbers of red blood cells), bone pain, and infections. It can also spread to other places like the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, brain, and the testicles in males.
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