I have never heard of a generation where everybody have succeeded. I believe this world was made in a manner to have ups and downs, success and failure, rich and poor. You have people who have worked very hard to get a good life but yet never get the chance to know the feeling, while others purchase a lotto ticket and tadow they are rich the next day. Although we dont know the future its best to work hard and see what the world has to offer, below is a list of some of the reasons why people fail in life.
Not Knowing What They Want
The number one reason why people are unsuccessful or unhappy is because they do not know what they want out of life. You see, life is a like a blank canvas. It is up to each individual to pick the colors they wish to paint and draw any picture they please. If a person does not choose to pick their colors or picture to paint, they can be certain that someone else who does know what they want will pick it for them.
When going into any situation, whether it is as simple as a phone call, or as complex as an entire lifetime, knowing what you want is essential to getting what you want. It is the destination which we must have in mind clearly prior to starting any journey.
Not Doing What They Know
Knowledge and action are worlds apart. Just because you know that you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to attain vibrant health does not mean that you will do it.
In my personal opinion, the only reason why people do what they know is because of an intense desire to gain what they are after. If there is a strong emotional need to become healthier, richer, happier, or whatever else, there is nothing in the world which can stop a human will to achieve these ideals.
Not Associating With The Right People
Simply said, you will eventually become who your friends are. Either they will become like you, or you like them. It is plain, yet profoundly true. It is also a fact that your earnings will be within 20% or so of the average earnings of your five closest friends. Don’t believe me? Do the rough math in your own head for your own situation and you are certainly in for a shocker.
The people who we surround ourselves with immensely affect how we think. We borrow not only their thoughts and ideologies, but also their manners and habits. Associate yourself with positive, successful people and you are certain to become one as well.
Not learning and Educating Further
No one limits your growth but you. If you want to earn more, learn more.” Further educating yourself in the areas which you deem important and worthwhile is an absolute necessity to just earning more but also advancing your life further as a whole.
Doing What Everyone Else Is Doing
If you do what everyone else is doing, you are going to have what everyone else has. This may not be a bad thing, however if you are not wanting to settle for what everyone else has, than be ready to take action differently. Most adults go out and get a college degree, or not even that, they work different jobs for 30-40 years, and are dependent upon the government or others to take care of them in their later years.
If you do not want that for yourself, you have got to get away from the weekly paycheck trap. It is a total hamster wheel. You may be working very hard and constantly busy but you will not be going anywhere in all actuality.
Not Taking Enough Risks
Simply put, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward. If you are willing to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, you will have so much more to gain than those who choose to blanket their lives with “security.”
The truth is that real growth occurs when you get and stay out of your normal comfort zone. You only gain the most when you push yourself to do things you are uncomfortable doing under normal circumstances.
Giving Up
Unfortunately most people have been accustomed to giving up as being okay. If you are running a marathon and your foot start hurting, society teaches us that it is okay to stop and pull out because you foot was hurting. The question to ask yourself is; how can you ever win a race if you don’t finish it?
In reality, the last 20% of your effort typically gives you 80% of your results. You must keep going until you have accomplished whatever you set out to do.
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