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Monday 26 August 2013

Easy ways to increase muscle size

Most men want to have that muscle size that will turn heads but without the proper workout and food intake you will not achieve this. Follow these 8 easy tips and watch your muscle gains explode!

Calorie Intake
You want to grow? You want to add more muscle to your frame? Then you've got to increase your caloric intake, pure and simple. To add quality muscle weight, you need to be in a state of caloric excess. Looking to shed some bodyfat? The opposite is true: reduce calories or increase energy expenditure (cardio). Unless you have the genetics of Dorian Yates or rely heavily on "science," it's virtually impossible to make solid muscle gains while burning fat. Eat and bulk up. Then, shed the fat by cutting down

Increase protein consumption
The benefits of protein are numerous for the bodybuilder: increased protein synthesis, positive nitrogen balance, muscle recovery and anti-catabolism. Remember, protein provides the building blocks of muscle. Get enough to grow enough. Learn from the pros: take protein with every meal you eat. Aim for at least 1-1.5g of protein for every pound of bodyweight when training at a high level. 

Eat Healthy Fat food
We don't necessarily mean from burgers and fries. There are plenty of good fat sources including olive oil, flaxseed oil, and borage oil. These contain "essential" fats, those your body can't manufacture on its own. Remember this: overly restricting fat intake will negatively impact growth. Why? Fat intake can affect testosterone levels. In studies, individuals consuming 20% fat were found to have significantly lower testosterone levels than those taking in 40% fat. Furthermore, research has shown that there is a positive correlation between fat and resting testosterone concentrations in men who weight train. 

Ease off cardio
Cardio may let you consume more and stay hard, but it can also get in the way of growth if overused. If you're trying to gain weight, ease up

Get plenty rest
This is probably one of the most underutilized of all the bodybuilding tools. Rest is when the muscles you've torn down from training are allowed to rebuild and come back bigger than ever. Too much training and not enough rest, and you'll enter the dreaded "overtraining" zone where testosterone levels drop and muscle wasting becomes a serious possibility. The easiest way to avoid overtraining is to get plenty of sleep at night and train right. 

Pack on poundage
Obviously, one of the best ways to get massive is to progressively move heavier weight. This isn't an invitation to put on as many plates as you can only to perform the exercise with improper form. Use as much weight as you can while allowing you to follow strict form. With respect to reps, when it comes to building power and strength, you can aim low: 6-8 per set ought to do it. 

Stick to basic movements
Basic movements train your body's largest muscles such as your back, quads, and pecs. The bigger these get, the bigger you look. Plus, basic movements not only train the target body part, but also supporting muscles. The bench press works your pecs and your triceps and your shoulders to a certain degree.

Hey, 100% of Olympic strength athletes and 90% of the elite, competitive bodybuilders who take a multivitamin can't be wrong. Do the right thing and take your Animal Pak every day. Two paks a day for pro-caliber bodybuilders during the pre-contest preparation.

Sunday 25 August 2013

Help your child prepare for back to school

The summer is almost over and its time to get back in the school groove, many of us as parents has the responsible to ensure that our kids are ready for the new school year both mentally and physically.

Here are 9 ways you can help your child and yourself get ready to go back to school.

1. Re-Establish School Routines
Use the last few weeks of summer to get into a school-day rhythm. "Have your child practice getting up and getting dressed at the same time every morning. Start eating breakfast, lunch, and snacks around the times your child will eat when school is in session.
It’s also important to get your child used to leaving the house in the morning, so plan morning activities outside the house in the week or two before school. That can be a challenge for working parents. But when the school rush comes, hustling your child out the door will be less painful if she has broken summer habits like relaxing in her PJs after breakfast.
2. Nurture Independence
Once the classroom door shuts, your child will need to manage a lot of things on his own. Get him ready for independence by talking ahead of time about responsibilities he's old enough to shoulder. This might include organizing his school materials, writing down assignments, and bringing home homework.
Even if your child is young, you can instill skills that will build confidence and independence at school. Have your young child practice writing her name and tying her own shoes. "The transition to school will be easier for everyone if your child can manage basic needs without relying on an adult.
3. Create a Launch Pad
"Parents and teachers should do whatever they can to facilitate a child being responsible. At home, you can designate a spot where school things like backpacks and lunch boxes always go to avoid last-minute scrambles in the morning. You might also have your child make a list of things to bring to school and post it by the front door.
4. Set Up a Time and Place for Homework
Head off daily battles by making homework part of your child’s everyday routine. Establish a time and a place for studying at home. "Even if it’s the kitchen table, it really helps if kids know that’s where they sit down and do homework, and that it happens at the same time every day. As much as possible, plan to make yourself available during homework time, especially with younger kids. You might be reading the paper or cooking dinner, but be around to check in on your child’s progress

5. After-School Plans
School gets out before most working parents get home, so it's important to figure out where your children will go, or who will be at home, in the afternoons. You might find an after-school program through the school itself, a local YMCA, or a Boys and Girls Club. If possible, try to arrange your schedule so you can be there when your child gets home during those first few days of school. It may help your child adjust to the new schedule and teachers.
6. Make a Sick-Day Game Plan
Working parents also know the trials and tribulations of getting a call from the school nurse when they can’t get away from the office. Before school begins, line up a trusted babysitter or group of parents that can pinch hit for each other when children get sick. And make sure you know the school’s policy. You may have to sign forms ahead of time listing people who have your permission to pick up your child.
7. Attend Orientations to Meet and Greet
Schools typically hold orientation and information sessions before the start of each academic year. These are good opportunities for you to meet the key players: your child’s teachers, school counselors, the principle, and most importantly, front desk staff. "The secretaries know everything and are the first people children see when they arrive at school every day.
8. Talk to the Teachers
Of course, teachers are the reason your child is there. When you talk to your child’s teachers, ask about their approach to homework. Some teachers assign homework so kids can practice new skills while others focus on the accuracy of the assignments they turn in. Ask for the dates of tests and large assignments so you can help your child plan accordingly. For instance, if you know a big test is coming up on Friday morning, you will know to keep things simple on Thursday evening.
9. Make it a Family Affair
Together, you and your child can plan for success in school. For instance, sit down with your child to create a routine chart. Ask your child what she wants to do first when she first gets home from school: play outside or do homework? Her answers go on the chart. "The more kids have ownership in creating a routine for themselves and setting expectations, the more likely they are to follow it.

Monday 19 August 2013

Reasons people fail in life

I have never heard of a generation where everybody have succeeded. I believe this world was made in a manner to have ups and downs, success and failure, rich and poor. You have people who have worked very hard to get a good life but yet never get the chance to know the feeling, while others purchase a lotto ticket and tadow they are rich the next day. Although we dont know the future its best to work hard and see what the world has to offer, below is a list of some of the reasons why people fail in life.

Not Knowing What They Want
The number one reason why people are unsuccessful or unhappy is because they do not know what they want out of life. You see, life is a like a blank canvas. It is up to each individual to pick the colors they wish to paint and draw any picture they please. If a person does not choose to pick their colors or picture to paint, they can be certain that someone else who does know what they want will pick it for them.
When going into any situation, whether it is as simple as a phone call, or as complex as an entire lifetime, knowing what you want is essential to getting what you want. It is the destination which we must have in mind clearly prior to starting any journey.

Not Doing What They Know
Knowledge and action are worlds apart. Just because you know that you need to eat healthy and exercise regularly in order to attain vibrant health does not mean that you will do it.
In my personal opinion, the only reason why people do what they know is because of an intense desire to gain what they are after. If there is a strong emotional need to become healthier, richer, happier, or whatever else, there is nothing in the world which can stop a human will to achieve these ideals.

Not Associating With The Right People
Simply said, you will eventually become who your friends are. Either they will become like you, or you like them. It is plain, yet profoundly true. It is also a fact that your earnings will be within 20% or so of the average earnings of your five closest friends. Don’t believe me? Do the rough math in your own head for your own situation and you are certainly in for a shocker.
The people who we surround ourselves with immensely affect how we think. We borrow not only their thoughts and ideologies, but also their manners and habits. Associate yourself with positive, successful people and you are certain to become one as well.

Not learning and Educating Further
No one limits your growth but you. If you want to earn more, learn more.” Further educating yourself in the areas which you deem important and worthwhile is an absolute necessity to just earning more but also advancing your life further as a whole.

Doing What Everyone Else Is Doing
If you do what everyone else is doing, you are going to have what everyone else has. This may not be a bad thing, however if you are not wanting to settle for what everyone else has, than be ready to take action differently. Most adults go out and get a college degree, or not even that, they work different jobs for 30-40 years, and are dependent upon the government or others to take care of them in their later years.
If you do not want that for yourself, you have got to get away from the weekly paycheck trap. It is a total hamster wheel. You may be working very hard and constantly busy but you will not be going anywhere in all actuality.

Not Taking Enough Risks
Simply put, the bigger the risk the bigger the reward. If you are willing to put yourself out there and be vulnerable, you will have so much more to gain than those who choose to blanket their lives with “security.”
The truth is that real growth occurs when you get and stay out of your normal comfort zone. You only gain the most when you push yourself to do things you are uncomfortable doing under normal circumstances.

Giving Up
Unfortunately most people have been accustomed to giving up as being okay. If you are running a marathon and your foot start hurting, society teaches us that it is okay to stop and pull out because you foot was hurting. The question to ask yourself is; how can you ever win a race if you don’t finish it?
In reality, the last 20% of your effort typically gives you 80% of your results. You must keep going until you have accomplished whatever you set out to do.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

What causes lightning


Lightning is one thing we hate when the rain falls, it is frightening and dangerous. People say God is responsible for lightening and scientist as proven otherwise, so lets go deeper into the causes and ways to protect ourselves from it. Lightning is a massive electrostatic discharge between electrically charged regions within clouds, or between a cloud and the Earth's surface. The charged regions within the atmosphere temporarily equalize themselves through a lightning flash, commonly referred to as a strike if it hits an object on the ground. There are three primary types; from a cloud to itself (intra-cloud or IC); from one cloud to another cloud (CC) and finally between a cloud and the ground (CG). Although lightning is always accompanied by the sound of thunder, distant lightning may be seen but be too far away for the thunder to be heard. Many factors affect the frequency, distribution, strength, and physical properties of a "typical" lightning flash to a particular region of the world.
These factors include ground elevation, latitude, prevailing wind currents, relative humidity, proximity to warm and cold bodies of water, etc. To a certain degree, the ratio between IC, CC and CG lightning may also vary by season in middle latitudes. Lightning primarily occurs when warm air is mixed with colder air masses resulting in atmospheric disturbances necessary for polarizing the atmosphere. However, it can also occur during dust storms, forest fires, tornadoes, volcanic eruptions, and even in the cold of winter, where the lightning is known as thundersnow. Hurricanes typically generate some lightning, mainly in the rainbands as much as 160 km (100 mi) from the center. Objects struck by lightning experience heat and magnetic forces of great magnitude. The heat created by lightning currents traveling through a tree may vaporize its sap, causing a steam explosion that bursts the trunk.
As lightning travels through sandy soil, the soil surrounding the plasma channel may melt, forming tubular structures called fulgurites. Humans or animals struck by lightning may suffer severe injury or even death due to internal organ and nervous system damage. Buildings or tall structures hit by lightning may be damaged as the lightning seeks unintended paths to ground. By safely conducting a lightning strike to ground, a lightning protection system can greatly reduce the probability of severe property damage. Lightning is also human related for example:
  • Airplane contrails have also been observed to influence lightning to a small degree. The water vapor dense contrails of airplanes may provide a lower resistance pathway through the atmosphere having some influence upon the establishment of an ionic pathway for a lightning flash to follow.
  • Rocket exhaust plumes provided a pathway for lightning when it was witnessed striking the Apollo 12 rocket shortly after takeoff.
Thermonuclear explosions by providing extra material for electrical conduction and a very turbulent localized atmosphere, have been seen triggering lightning flashes within the mushroom cloud. In addition, intense gamma radiation from large nuclear explosions may develop intensely charged regions in the surrounding air through Compton scattering. The intensely charged space charge regions create multiple clear-air lightning discharges shortly after the device detonates. So despite the fears we have, we also add to the cause and there are ways to reduce this effects on us. In some countries people worship lightning but i will get into that another time.

Wednesday 7 August 2013

5 money making ideas in a recession

Everybody whether rich or poor are always looking for extra money, "too much money aint enough money". One of the main ways people would love to make money is from the comforts of their homes, waking up whenever, working whenever and just feeling free without any boss breathing down your shoulder. I have made a list with the top 5 easiest money making ways.

1. Internet Marketing Services

Internet marketing services are in high demand in an industry that is growing by leaps and bounds. Anyone who has an online business presence needs to know how best to effectively market their website on the Internet and most will consult an Internet marketing firm for assistance. That's where the independent Internet marketing specialist comes in. As small business owners look for ways to build traffic and increase sales in a tough economy, a knowledgeable Internet marketer can help them gain a strong return on investment using very cost efficient means, which makes this a potentially recession resistant business you should include with any money making ideas you might be considering.

2. Medical Billing

A medical billing career could be very promising, either as a home business or a work from home medical billing job. Medical billing and coding lends itself well to working at home, and many in the medical billing and coding profession have been able to do just that, either by setting up a home business and working for themselves with independent physicians as their clients, or by working from home in medical billing jobs with larger health care firms that make and track medical billing work assignments electronically.
In a tough economy, medical providers still need to handle their billing and health care is generally seen as an industry that's highly resistant to recession and has strong money making potential.

3. Home Staging Home Business

If you have an eye for interior decorating and want to run your own money making home business,a home staging business can provide a great, low-cost start up opportunity for you and it's a great home business to start part-time on weekends while you're still employed.
A recession or down economy can often mean a real estate market flooded with homes for sale, including homes held by banks and mortgage companies in foreclosure. A home stager can show clients how to make their homes stand out from the competition and get it sold more quickly. Real estate agents and home lenders may also be fruitful contacts for anyone engaged in this type of recession resistant home business.

4. eBay Trading Assistant

eBay Trading Assistants help people sell their items on eBay. eBay Trading Assistants who operate a home business typically go out to client's homes or businesses to photograph and pick up items and then sell them on eBay on consignment, with the Trading Assistant handling all of the details of the sale and collecting a commission once the item is sold.
In a recession, people are looking for money making ideas to help pay bills. Selling unused and unwanted items on eBay is one way to that. However, not everyone knows how or wants to put forth the effort to sell the times themselves, so making money on eBay as a Trading Assistant could be a very lucrative recession resistant business in hard times.

5. Virtual Assistant

The Virtual Assistant (VA) industry is growing fast and becoming a popular for those who want to run their own home business to get started - usually by doing the things they have done well in the past for prior employers. As businesses attempt to cut costs and lay off workers in a down economy, they may decide to outsource some office functions in order to save money. Additionally, for small business owners who are trying to pull in extra business during down times, hiring a virtual assistant can allow them to focus on more profitable activities. A virtual assistant business can be a low cost, recession resistant, money making business that just might keep you very busy and help get you through hard times.

Thursday 1 August 2013

How does Hacking Work?

When we hear about hackers, the first thing comes to mind is deception and that is because the media has given the word "hacker" a bad reputation. The word summons up thoughts of malicious computer users finding new ways to harass people, defraud corporations, steal information and maybe even destroy the economy or start a war by infiltrating military computer systems. While there's no denying that there are hackers out there with bad intentions, they make up only a small percentage of the hacker community.
The term computer hacker first showed up in the mid-1960s. A hacker was a programmer -- someone who hacked out computer code. Hackers were visionaries who could see new ways to use computers, creating programs that no one else could conceive. They were the pioneers of the computer industry, building everything from small applications to operating systems. In this sense, people like Bill Gates, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak were all hackers they saw the potential of what computers could do and created ways to achieve that potential.
A unifying trait among these hackers was a strong sense of curiosity, sometimes bordering on obsession. These hackers prided themselves on not only their ability to create new programs, but also to learn how other programs and systems worked. When a program had a bug a section of bad code that prevented the program from working properly -- hackers would often create and distribute small sections of code called patches to fix the problem. Some managed to land a job that leveraged their skills, getting paid for what they'd happily do for free.
As computers evolved, computer engineers began to network individual machines together into a system. Soon, the term hacker had a new meaning -- a person using computers to explore a network to which he or she didn't belong. Usually hackers didn't have any malicious intent. They just wanted to know how computer networks worked and saw any barrier between them and that knowledge as a challenge.­
­­In fact, that's still the case today. While there are plenty of stories about malicious hackers sabotaging computer systems, infiltrating networks and spreading computer viruses, most hackers are just curious -- they want to know all the intricacies of the computer world. Some use their knowledge to help corporations and governments construct better security measures. Others might use their skills for more unethical endeavors. The main resource hackers rely upon, apart from their own ingenuity, is computer code. While there is a large community of hackers on the Internet, only a relatively small number of hackers actually program code. Many hackers seek out and download code written by other people. There are thousands of different programs hackers use to explore computers and networks. These programs give hackers a lot of power over innocent users and organizations -- once a skilled hacker knows how a system works, he can design programs that exploit it.

Malicious hackers use programs to:
  • Log keystrokes: Some programs allow hackers to review every keystroke a computer user makes. Once installed on a victim's computer, the programs record each keystroke, giving the hacker everything he needs to infiltrate a system or even steal someone's identity.
  • Hack passwords: There are many ways to hack someone's password, from educated guesses to simple algorithms that generate combinations of letters, numbers and symbols. The trial and error method of hacking passwords is called a brute force attack, meaning the hacker tries to generate every possible combination to gain access. Another way to hack passwords is to use a dictionary attack, a program that inserts common words into password fields.
  • Infect a computer or system with a virus: Computer viruses are programs designed to duplicate themselves and cause problems ranging from crashing a computer to wiping out everything on a system's hard drive. A hacker might install a virus by infiltrating a system, but it's much more common for hackers to create simple viruses and send them out to potential victims via email, instant messages, Web sites with downloadable content or peer-to-peer networks.
  • Gain backdoor access: Similar to hacking passwords, some hackers create programs that search for unprotected pathways into network systems and computers. In the early days of the Internet, many computer systems had limited security, making it possible for a hacker to find a pathway into the system without a username or password. Another way a hacker might gain backdoor access is to infect a computer or system with a Trojan horse.
  • Create zombie computers: A zombie computer, or bot, is a computer that a hacker can use to send spam or commit Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. After a victim executes seemingly innocent code, a connection opens between his computer and the hacker's system. The hacker can secretly control the victim's computer, using it to commit crimes or spread spam.
  • Spy on e-mail: Hackers have created code that lets them intercept and read e-mail messages -- the Internet's equivalent to wiretapping. Today, most e-mail programs use encryption formulas so complex that even if a hacker intercepts the message, he won't be able to read it.