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Tuesday 8 January 2013

Everywhere you look in the world there is proof that the single-minded pursuit of wealth often leads smart people to do unusual things,  things that destroy what money can't buy. Every time I read about wealthy people I ask myself the same questions. How is it that brilliant people with more money than they'll ever need allow their hunger for even more money to cause them to lose everything? How much is enough, and why are people willing to risk so much to get more? It has great power to bring people together as well as tear them apart. You can't escape money. If you run from it, it will chase you and catch you. If we don't understand our relationship to money in this culture, then I think we're doomed. To be successful means to work hard and attain your highest goal, you don't have to go to school for this.The happiness of hard work. No amount of money can buy that. 

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